Honey we should have thought over this before we jumped in.
We should have thought about the consequences of realising our incompatibility.
Now I got you messed up emotionally.
And the way you put itI think you might do something stupid.
I really wanted this to happen between the two of us.
I oftenly thought how we are going to make it no matter what.
And even when we made those goddamn promises..
I always felt like between us,something great is going to happen.
And how things made our minds soggy with pleasure that we couldn't think..
The rising heat of reality melted the dew covering our shortlived bliss.
What we thought was heaven is proving to be upside down and that is hell.
How we got to this state is what I can't tell.
The writing is all over the wall motherfucker!!.
Me and you share very little in common and you now know that!
Suggesting we talk things over won't help anything.
For like the day before we shall end up quarelling.
And you will walk out on me,flash your middle finger and slam the door again.
I think our time is up,get your act together and move on.
My life is really too shortFor me to sit here and live telling you lies and you respond.
Yeah! I think we just had that as a lesson.
And if you are a good student then that shouldn't be taught to you again.
But I doubt if you don't go down that lane again.
I wish we never jumped into this in the first place.
I've learnt my lesson and so sure it came the hard way.
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